Access Music Makers
Saturdays at 11:15am
Access Music Makers is for disabled and neuro diverse young people in Years 5-9. The group creates their own music using a variety of percussion, voices and technology. The styles are eclectic, varying from pop songs to atmospheric soundscapes. Members’ interests and aspirations are used to develop musical skills alongside confidence, teamwork, social awareness and much more.

Junior Access Music Makers
Saturdays at 9:00am
This new class is for disabled and neuro diverse young people in Years 3 – 5. The group will learn to create their own music using a variety of instruments, percussion, technology and voice. Developing musical skills will help to build confidence, teamwork and develop social skills. Children will be able to progress to the 11.15 Access Music Makers group.

Creative Music Makers
Saturdays at 10:00am
Creative Music Makers is a new ensemble for students who attend the 11.15am classes (Guitarworks, Rockworks, Concert Band and String Orchestra), plus graduates from the Access Music Makers (formerly the Inclusive Ensemble), who would like to explore their creative side and write their own music. Members’ interests and aspirations are used to develop musical skills.
Watch the video below of some of our Inclusive Ensembles members performing at CR Talent Festival alongside Club Soda and John Kelly (musician and disability-rights activist). The video also features extracts from films put together by members of our Access Studio for young performers with special educational needs.
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Music, dance and drama classes for beginners and improvers, inclusive groups, and ensembles for musicians up to Grade 4 standard.
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